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Sunday School


Children's ministry classes are open for both first and second services.

Classes that are currently open:

1. Ms. Lisa Pilcher: Nursery

(10 months - 2years old)

2. Ms. Terri's class: 2 year old to Pre-K

3. Ms. Sharyn: K-1

4. Ms. Akhrieno: Grades 2-3

5. Ms. Jamie: Grades 4-5

6. Mr. Bill: Grades 6-8

We also have the family room available for parents with children who are in nursery (10 months - 2 years old).

Gate City Church Kids

Gate City Church Children's Ministry provides unique and age appropriate environments for your kids in preschool, elementary and junior high. 

Our goal is to help your child cultivate a personal knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ, and at the same time, equip them to share and defend the gospel.

We cover the Bible in 4 years and help your kids see how the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, are all about Jesus Christ. Children will be equipped with facts from culture, science, and history to answer specific questions of this age. Our memory verse songs, lesson related games, activities, and impactful small groups would help reinforce scriptural truths and help your children love God’s Church.

GCC Kids

First Time Visitors

Please plan to arrive 15 – 20 minutes before the service starts.          When you arrive, look for the registration booth. We will greet your family there and register your children for the appropriate class.

You can also register here using the form below. 

After you are registered, you and your child will be given matching security tags that are unique to your family and the time of your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion of your matching security tag, which bears a number that is matched to your portion during checkout at the end of service. During check out, you will return to your child’s ministry area and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.


If your child needs you during the service, we’ll contact you by displaying your family’s unique number in our adult worship environments.

Safe & Fun

Every leader and volunteer in our church has had a thorough background check. We also provide a secure check-in/check out process. You can relax knowing your child is safe while they enjoy their time learning God’s Word in a fun filled environment. 


The curriculum


Answers Curriculum

Answers Bible Curriculum is a 200 lesson curriculum that covers the entire Bible,

from Genesis to Revelation, in chronological fashion. The first 120 lessons survey the Old Testament, and the final 80 lessons, survey the New Testament.

Where appropriate, the lesson includes apologetics material confirming the accuracy of the biblical record, as well as historical background and life application.

The weekly stories show kids how the Bible applies to real life.

Children will be handed out ‘Take Home Sheets’ that reinforce the lesson content and encourage easy family discussion at home.


Kid Environments

10 months – 2 years old - Nursery

Teacher: Mrs. Lisa Pilcher

Nursery location: Preschool Wing 

2-4 years old
Teacher: Mrs. Terri Connolly
Classroom location: Preschool Wing 

5 years old – 1st grades 

Teacher: Mrs. Sharyn Haney 
Classroom location: Preschool Wing

2- 3 Grades
Teacher: Mrs. Akhrieno Kumar
Classroom location: Above Bonheoffer's Cafe

4-5 Grades 
Teacher: Mrs. Jamie Tannariello
Classroom location: Above Bonheoffer's Cafe

6-8 Grades 
Teacher: Mr. Bill Connolly
Classroom location: Upper Room (Above Bonheoffer's Cafe)


Resources, Registration, and Volunteering

To empower you to share with your kids, neighbors, family, church, and Sunday school class check out the resource ‘How Can I Become A Child Of God?’ 


For a practical discussion on growing up as a child of God, check out the booklet “Growing up in God’s family” 

Get in Touch

43 Main Street, Nashua, NH 03064

Tel. 608-883-8273 at ext. 108.

Thanks for submitting!

Paul Kumar.jpg

Paul Kumar

Children's Ministry Leader

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