Gate City Church's
indian outreach
Welcome to Gate City Church’s Indian Outreach!
Our passion is to delve into the heart of God, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our "ethos" in carrying out this call is through fervent, persistent, and united prayer. As we passionately seek after God, he will begin to transform our hearts to love the things that are in the center of His heart.

About Us
Would it be an overstatement to claim that the most debated question in the last 2000 years has been, “Is Jesus Christ unique?”
If no, why were His claims extraordinary?
If yes, in what way does His uniqueness hold repercussions for the modern scientific mind and Christians engaging in a pluralistic society?
Christ never presented Truth as an abstract proposition or the path to it as a rigid adherence to a set of laws. Doing so would have put Him at par with other religious men who claimed to know the Truth. If all roads led to Rome, Truth appropriates a relative nature. On the contrary, Christ never claimed to know the Truth, but was TRUTH HIMSELF. Therefore, in John 14:6 Jesus averred, “I am the way, and the truth and the life.”
Today, He makes an open invitation to all that desire to know this Truth. Come and be challenged to live out this TRUTH in a day when cultural syncretism seems to strengthen the case for truth and moral relativism EVERY FRIDAY @ 7 pm.
Our History
Mr. Steven Vuppula, now a member of Gate City Church and an Indian by nationality moved to Nashua from Chicago in the late 90’s. In the process of searching for a Christian school for his children, he came in connection with Nashua Christian Academy, a Christian School associated with Gate City ChurchMinistries.
Embracing Pastor Paul Berube’s vision to start an Indian fellowship for families in Nashua and the surrounding areas, Steven Vuppula and Scott Rohrer, fellow elders at Gate City Churchprayed from July 2003 about starting this ministry. The group finally began in September 2003 and God miraculously brought families from different parts of India to this group. The family of Jonathan Barkley played a crucial role in spreading the word around and gradually family after family started attending. This was how it all began.

service times & location
Experience a real intimacy with God through lively praise and worship. You are invited to join us to celebrate and worship our Lord and to fellowship with other families and individuals.
Worship and Bible Study
Fridays at 6:30 pm
Meeting Virtually through Zoom
Call (603) 557-1076 for information.