We are meeting in person for both 8:30 and 10:30 services on Sunday mornings,
as well as Tent of Meeting on Tuesday nights, at 7pm!
If in the last two weeks you have experienced a cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, body aches, chills, severe fatigue, an elevated temperature or a fever of 100.4F or above,
we ask that you stay home and participate virtually, simply by going to the "Livestream" tab
on the main header above.
If you would like an elder to call or visit to pray with you,
please email Rick Beavers at: rickbeavers1959@gmail.com
Please take a moment to review the guidelines below prior to know what to expect during our Services.
We appreciate your help as we work together to keep everyone safe.
Now that the National CDC, the State of New Hampshire and the City of Nashua have
all lifted the mask mandate we no longer “require masks be worn” in our facilities.
We still strongly encourage anyone with immune system challenges or comorbidities
to continue wearing them.
Masks may still be worn in any our facilities.
In the Church Auditorium, a section of our Balcony has been designated “Masks Only”
for those dealing with health challenges.
The CDC recommends the use of the following masks:
N 95, KN 95 or Surgical masks.
Gaiter masks, bandanas, scarfs, or face coverings containing valves,
mesh material or holes of any kind are discouraged.

The sanctuary seating is further spread apart to allow for the recommended distance when participating in worship and to accommodate the size of your family.
To help avoid the risk of exposure, we are currently not passing the
offering plates or connection cards. Please use the offerings boxes
found at the exits of the auditorium. If you wish to give online click here.
There are hand sanitizers located throughout the building.
Please use upon entry and as needed.
Water fountains have been turned off for the time being.
Thank you for working together as the body of Christ to help us make our worship services
as safe as possible during this time. We are glad to be back in the House of the Lord!