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Gate City House of Prayer

Ethos, from the Greek meaning character, is used to describe

the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a church community.

Prayer is the “ethos” of everything we do at Gate City Church.


Yet it is not prayer for prayer’s sake, it is prayer that leads us to the heart of God. We do not dedicate ourselves to seek after the Father’s hand, we dedicate ourselves to seek to know God. Our passion is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind.

Prayer is the vehicle that takes us deeper places in knowing and loving God.


We meet virtually seven days a week for morning and evening prayer. We also have a time of worship and prayer at Tent of Meeting, every Tuesday, at 7:00pm.


If you have a specific need and  would like our prayer ministers to stand with you in prayer,  please email:


A Call to Daily Prayer

The Gate City House of Prayer was birthed in obedience to the word of the Lord. In November of 1999, the Lord called us to begin a season of morning prayer. During this time, we met and sought His face together. The Lord made it clear that our commitment to morning prayer was to continue.

We have continued this commitment to this day, growing deeper in prayer,

being more devoted to having intimacy with the Father, and seeking to fulfill the call of

2 Corinthians 11:3, “simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”


When our prayer times are held on campus,  we meet at 18 Franklin St., in The Pool of Siloam.

The auditorium was named after the pool where Jesus miraculously healed a blind man. We pray the Spirit would stir our hearts and lives as we wait on Him in times of intentional prayer.


Currently, we meet virtually every morning from  6:30 – 7:30 a.m.

and every evening from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m


Once connected, you may need to "Join from browser" or down load the app.


Tent of Meeting

 Following the example of Moses, Tent of Meeting is a place where we come to meet with God, exalt His name, and behold His glory.


We intercede for friends, family, our nation, and the world, and we seek to honor the Word of God. Come be part of this casual gathering blending contemporary worship, spontaneous singing, antiphonal worship, and scripture declaration. Come soak in His presence, be encouraged, and refreshed.


Join us on Tuesdays, at 7 pm, for our Tent of Meeting in person or through our Livestream!

Erev Shabbat

Erev-Shabbat is the term for the Friday evening Shabbat celebration,

which has been celebrated by Jewish people for thousands of years,

and it would have been a regular event for the first followers of Jesus.


Our Shabbat celebrations are a great time of worship, fellowship,

and reflection on the rich heritage of our faith. They are also a rich time of intercession for Israel and for the Jewish people around the world.


Shabbat is held on the third Friday of every month at 7:00pm

in the main Sanctuary at GCC (43 Main Street).


We look forward to seeing you there again some time soon!

Gate City Church


(603) 883-8273



English 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Portuguese/English 10:30 am

Russian/English 1 pm

- Online Streaming for all services available here on the Website, 

on FB and YouTube.



Tent of Meeting - 7PM



43 Main Street 

Nashua, NH


Hours of Operation:  

Tuesday through Saturday 7am-2pm

Sunday 10am-12:30pm


8 Franklin Street 

Nashua, NH


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