Alpha Courses
The Alpha Course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, a place where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting.
The course usually meets once per week for 10 weeks and includes a day or weekend getaway in the middle. Each session, people enjoy great food, laughter and learning about the teachings of Jesus in a fun and friendly atmosphere where no question about life or God is seen as too simple or too hostile.
There is no charge to attend the Alpha course. Click here for more information.
Community Groups
Meals Ministry
If you are interested in serving in this ministry
please email your name and phone number to our Coordinator Sharyn Haney at
You will receive an email back welcoming you with further details within a week of submitting your contact information.
Growth & Healing
The Greater Nashua Growth & Healing Center is comprised of a group of volunteers who are trained through a mentoring program. They are ready, willing, and able to assist others interested in learning and growing.
Growth & Healing Center is a nonprofit charitable organization sponsored by GCC Ministries of Nashua. The Center helps those interested in learning more about anger management, finance principles, relationship issues, divorce care, and other life issues.